ITACS - Services - Remote Access

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ITACS - Services - Remote Access - CloudLab

51¸£Àû CloudLab


51¸£Àû CloudLab is the best method to access a wide variety of popular applications and web services via Windows virtual desktop. 51¸£Àû CloudLab only requires a web browser and an internet connection.

Using 51¸£Àû CloudLab you will be able to access various internal websites/applications including, but not limited to, 51¸£Àû Intranet, Matlab, Python, SharePoint, Student Muster, and Course Evaluation Forms (CEFs) previously known as Student Opinion Forms (SOFs).

To use 51¸£Àû CloudLab:

  1. Microsoft 365 Multi-Factor Authentication will be REQUIRED for login to CloudLab starting Wednesday, June 2, 2021. Prepare by enrolling on the . Follow the steps for your mobile device(s) to enroll. Detailed instructions are available at .
  2. Visit .
  3. Select CloudLab HTML Access for online virtual desktop OR
  4. Select Install CloudLab Client to download VMware client (Windows or Mac) or mobile application (iOS, Android).
  5. Login through Microsoft 365 with your 51¸£Àû "User Name" and "Password" plus the required MFA prompt.

These applications and services are delivered instantly to users via any computer or mobile device connected to a network at any location on or off campus.

ITACS - Remote Access - Service - VPN

Virtual Private Network

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) creates a secure connection to the 51¸£Àû internal network.
51¸£Àû supports connections from the Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect (SSL) VPN client, and from the GlobalProtect VPN (IPSec) client. GlobalProtect uses Microsoft’s Multi-Factor Authentication to connect.
Either client will allow you to:
• Access internal websites/applications including, but not limited to, the Intranet, Python, Student Muster, and Course Evaluation Forms (CEFs).
• Map network drives.
• Remote desktop over to computers located on campus.
Since your remote computer will be connected to the 51¸£Àû network, it must meet our security requirements. Operating system security patches must be applied, and anti-virus software must be installed and kept up to date.
The Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect client allows you to connect your home computer to the 51¸£Àû network. Many handheld devices, including the iPad and iPhone, have native support for the GlobalProtect VPN (IPSec) Client. Below are the pages to instructions and information regarding Microsoft MFA and GlobalProtect (VPN). 51¸£Àû Login is required to access these pages.
Wireless Services

Wireless Services


51¸£Àû Wireless

To set up access to the 51¸£Àû Wireless network, please use the (log-in required).


51¸£Àû Guest

To set up access to the 51¸£Àû Guest Wireless network, please follow the . Guest wireless accounts are valid for two weeks. If guests require a guest wireless account for longer than two weeks, they will need to apply for a new guest wireless account following these .



As a participating institution of , 51¸£Àû faculty, staff, and students can connect to eduroam’s secure wireless networks at other in the United States and abroad using their 51¸£Àû email address and password.

Since this participation is reciprocal in nature, visiting faculty, staff, and students from eduroam participating institutions may also use their home institution login information on the 51¸£Àû campus by selecting the "eduroam" SSID in the list of available wireless networks shown on their devices.

For more information on the eduroam service, please refer to the website.

Services - Additional resources

Additional Resources


E-mail Access

  • is viewable through any web browser at
  • Setup instructions for downloading your e-mail to your computer can be found at . (Authentication required)

Direct Intranet Access

  • The is accessible on campus or while connected to the VPN.

Department of Defense Root Certificate Install

The SSL certificates we use are issued by the Department of Defense.  If your web browser does not trust these certificates, you'll get a warning when visiting the page.  

OPTION 1 - Download and install ALL DOD root certificates (Windows Only)

This DOD-issued application will install the DOD root certificates into your IE or Firefox/Chrome web browsers.  This application is is an MSI installer that should run on most workstations. An additional installer is available for those without admin rights.

  • - (MSI Download)
  • - (MSI Download)
  • - (MSI Download)
  1. Launch InstallRoot with administrative privileges by right-clicking on the program and select Run as Administrator or, if InstallRoot is already open, select Restart as Administrator from the InstallRoot Home tab.
    You can ignore and close any messages about TAMP updates.
  2. Enable NSS store if prompted to install certificates for Firefox browsers.
  3. Select Install Certificates from the Home tab.

OPTION 2 - Download and install the DOD Root Certificates (Windows, Mac, Linux)

By importing and trusting the root DOD certificates you will be able to use any DOD website without receiving an SSL certificate warning.   You will need to manually import the certificate into your browser or other application. to go the download page at the DISA.MIL site, and click on the Trust Store tab.